
Showing posts from 2019

The Legend of Daragang Magayon

The myth of the creation of Mayon Volcano is as heated as the heart of the peak itself, with a plot involving star-crossed lovers, and a tragic ending leading to the rise of the jewel of Albay. Legend has it that a beautiful maiden, Magayon(Beautiful), lived in a place called Ibalon. She is the daughter of Makusog(Strong), the chief of the tribe. Magayon was so beautiful that men from different places went to her hometown just to get a glimpse of her beauty. One of those suitors was Pagtuga (or Patuga in other versions), a warrior and the chief of Iriga. In a bid to woo Magayon, Pagtuga brought her all kinds of gifts, like gold, jewels and other precious items. Magayon, however, was not moved by Pagtuga's kind gestures. As a young maiden, Magayon liked bathing in the Yawa river. One day, while bathing, Magayon slipped on the rocks. As she did not know how to swim, she shouted for help. Fortunately, a man named Pangaronon (or Ulap in other versions) was passing by...

ALBAY: Land of the World's Most Perfect Cone

Albay is a province of the Philippines located in the Bicol Region in southeastern Luzon Island. The name Bikol first came to be known as the name of the biggest and longest river in the region. The river comes from the outflow of lakes and springs from the provinces of Albay, Camarines Sur, and Camarines Norte form a large stream that exits in the San Miguel Bay, off the shores of Camarines Sur. The people of the region are called Bikolanos and the language is called Bikol. The citizens of Albay are called Albayanos. Albay is a province composed of 15 towns and 3 cities. The capital of the province is  Legazpi City . It was named after Miguel Lopez de Legazpi, the Spanish conquestador who came to the Philippines in 1565 and started the massive colonization. also,  in Bicol Region people don't usually say "Good Morning", instead they say "Marhay na aga" TOP TOURIST ATTRACTION IN ALBAY: MAYON VOLCANO The volcano is referred to in those parts as “...


In this blog, you will be able to discover the beauty of Bicol Region, their vibrant destinations and a "must-try" foods when you come and visit them. So, come join me WANDER, and let me fill in the gaps of your curiosities by taking you to these astonishing destinations in Bicol!